KY-Sen: Cornyn Smells the Glove

After weeks of “not knowing” whether Jim Bunning should run for re-election, and after meeting with a potential primary challenger, NRSC Chair John Cornyn is finally endorsing the embattled Kentucky Senator.


As for that meeting with Williams at the NRSC Friday, NRSC Chairman John Cornyn (Texas) told Capitol Briefing today that it was just “a courtesy visit.”

“Just to clear up any potential confusion, the NRSC supports Sen. Bunning,” Cornyn said, adding that the committee would back Bunning in a contested primary, just as it does as a rule with all of its incumbents.

Cornyn said he was aware of chatter that some Republicans might want Bunning to retire. “My position is that this is Sen. Bunning’s decision to make, and as long as he says he is running I will be supportive of him,” Cornyn said.

I guess he decided that continuing to kneecap the stubborn sumbitch was no longer in the GOP’s best interests. Go figure.

Discussion already underway in JFM110’s diary.

UPDATE: This is too brilliant:

If Republican campaign organizations tried to recruit another candidate to run in Bunning’s stead, “I would have a suit against the (National Republican Senatorial Committee) if they did that,” Bunning told reporters on Tuesday. “In their bylaws, support of the incumbents is the only reason they exist.” […]

“I don’t believe anything Cornyn says… I’ve had miscommunications with John Cornyn from first week of this session,” Bunning said. “The NRSC never helped me last time and they’re probably not going to help me this time.

(Hat-tip: LeftistAddiction)

25 thoughts on “KY-Sen: Cornyn Smells the Glove”

  1. they met with that state senator, figured he couldn’t beat Bunning in a primary, and decided to stick with the incumbent, even though they know he will lose.

  2. “I don’t believe anything Cornyn says…”

    Sounds like he still has a grasp on reality, but simply cannot censure himself.  Should be entertaining.

  3. In neither of the stories linked to in the post does the topic of his small campaign war chest come up. That’s what I think kicked off all the recent chatter and maneuvering. if Bunning had, say, a couple million in his campaign accounts, would Williams have been sniffing around?

    I wish the reporters that Bunning talked to today had asked him about his low funding.

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